Crashing Into Me

Crashing Into Me
Coming Feb 14, 2017

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cover Design

I've been working with a really talented guy who has done book covers for 11, yes 11 best sellers right now on amazon. So far everything is looking great and I cant wait to see the finished product!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Editing Process

So after finally being able to validate my word count for NanoWriMo, its onto editing which i intentionally put the manuscript down for a few days to allow me to go over everything with fresh eyes. I'm taking it one chapter at at time and so far I'm loving what I'm adding.

The 50k words are great for the meat of the story I want to tell but that's not balanced enough. Its time for the salad and potatoes to go with it. My hope is to be fully done before Christmas, but with Nursing school and finals coming up, I'm gonna have to put this down once again to ensure I pass.

We will see how it goes and then it'll be off to an actual editor if possible. If not I will take the time to edit myself with a fine tooth comb before I get ready to release this thing. Crossing my fingers!

Friday, November 14, 2014

I did it!

Your Average Per Day
Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
Goal Achieved On
November 14, 2014

Words Per Day To Finish On Time

And Im not done yet! By the time Im done I should be close to 55k and then of course there is the editing and rewriting and more description of course. Hopefully i can do all this the rest of the month and hit my target of 75 to 80K. So excited!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Holy Moly 41K

Your Average Per Day
Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
At This Rate You Will Finish On
November 15, 2014
Words Per Day To Finish On Time

I have less than 9k words left before the first draft of The Haven is completed! I cant believe how fast this was. I have a TON I'm gonna have to do to get it perfect though and I plan to write an additional 30 K if the story permits. I'm not in the business of fluff. I would often skip whole chapters in books because of it. To me back story is awesome if it is pivotal to what my character is going through RIGHT NOW.

If it doesn't enhance the story it detracts from it and "aint nobody got time for that" lol

Monday, November 10, 2014

Almost at 30K!

I'm almost there with more than half my goal already finished and it's no where near November 30th yet. This is exciting! Even though the draft is rough, and it still needs to be edited and revised, the hardest part is almost done! In a few weeks I should hit my goal of 75K!

I've also been reading tons of advise about word count and how important it is, but also how not to get too caught up in that either. The word count should be secondary as along as you tell the story in the way it needs to.

I like that idea and it makes me less likely to just write for the sake of seeing a page full of letters, rather than telling an honestly good story, that captures my readers and refuses to let go.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

25K Baby!

I have just hit the 25K mark in my manuscript for The Haven" (a working title only). I'm excited mostly because the story is getting better and juicier and that gives me the stamina to go on.

Today I did 8k alone and hopefully the momentum doesn't slow down too soon. If i can get the entire manuscript done this month, editing and proofing can be completed in time for a holiday release!

Fingers crossed!

Friday, November 7, 2014

NaNo Live Write In

Today for the first time I participated in a NaNoWriMo live write in, word war. They give you several prompts to encourage you to get your word count up or work on your novel as they engage you.

So the first prompt will be announced telling you to think of your character in a certain way or whatever it may be, then they'll assign an amount of time to actually write it up. Once you do, you post how many words you were about to do in that amount of time, and post an excerpt if you want.

I did it and posted the excerpt and they actually read it live! It was so cool to hear my name and my words and thoughts read to the hundreds of people participating. I cant wait for the next one!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

NaNoWriMo and other things

Finding inspiration to write everyday is sometimes hard to do. Im a serial procrastinator at times, I can admit, so when I heard of NaNoWriMo, i figured what the heck, lets try it. Its only been a few days and I've written more (about 5 thousand words) per day! At this rate my manuscript will be finished by the end of the month and I can start the daunting task of editing.

NaNoWriMo is a contest for writers to challenge themselves to writing a 50,000 word first draft of a manuscript by months end. There are badges you receive as you go along, and a daily and monthly word count to show you how far you have left to go. I think it's a nifty way to keep yourself on your toes as well as win the contest. There are several companies like createspace and blurb that will give you free copies of your book in paperback as well as many other sponsors and prizes.

I've also been looking into editing services too. Apparently, it is not recommended to do this yourself and I get it. I will write and rewrite and feel, like "Hey, this is perfect!" And then later after a full chapter review, wonder what I was thinking and change it. I'll do my best on my own for as long as I can and eventually contact someone before submitting queries or self publishing.

In the meantime though I'm scouring the internet for every tip, clue or advice on how to not only do this but be successful at it. Ill compose a detailed list on what has helped me as I go along, to narrow it down for everyone.

Oh and also I'll start posting excerpts from my book for feedback from those interested. It can only help me be a better writer, right?

What Im doing

What am I doing? I find myself asking this a lot lately. I'm no stranger to starting one project before I've completed the last, but this time something in me wants me to do this, has to do this. I'm working on my first book a romantic novel, called The Haven.
Its a working title as I don't think I'm gonna keep the name. As my story progresses, the title may as well. I'm also no stranger to writing either, I've been doing it all my life.

I started out with short stories id write and pass around to my friends in math class. Haha no wonder me and math aren't friends to this day. From there, I wrote my first screenplay by the name of Prey in high school. I wrote many more but that one was the one everyone was excited to do most.
I got all my friends involved and it was a blast. I knew nothing of what it took to make a movie or how to write an industry standard script, but over the years I perfected and eventually wrote a vampire trilogy.

That was exciting as I had a production company, actors, you name it! That deal fell through as most deals do, and I was left pretty sad and empty at the time. Now almost a year and a half since that happened I've decided to go back to my true roots and deliver my stories and characters the way I started out back then. My hope is to get published by a well established company or self publish as many have done so and successfully. I know one thing though, I am not giving up no matter what happens from this point forward. I'm going to get this done and cant wait to share with you all what I have to offer.