As I continue the tedious process of printing and physically reading and editing each chapter, I've also been doing more research as well as reading and socializing on the front of promotion more. I didn't know there was such an art form and taboo a subject as it relates to reviews.
I didn't know there were different rankings of reviews, verified vs non on Amazon, then you have Goodreads and there own criteria as well as bloggers who will review if you send a free copy, or in some instances pay for the review. Then there's Kindle free days and a whole algorithm to try and figure that out to your benefit.
And what exactly is a book blog tour? I'm not all together sure yet. I know what a regular book tour is, but I find the blog kind really fascinating and quite fun. You can cover alot more ground and get so much exposure on an electronic level that perhaps a limited physical tour would get you if im correct in my assumption, but i could be wrong...on to chapter 3
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